Problem Encountered during Project Progress

Week 9 - Tuesday
September 11, 2018

To Overcome the MAX30100 Sensor Problems

Objective: To learn the sensitivity of the sensor and how to handle the sensor before and after use.

The experiment was conducted at a fingertip, which include the thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger and a little finger. However, there are few problems that happen during the experiment:

  1. When the system was detecting the slight movement of the finger, the system will take about 10 seconds to reset. While resetting, the sensor will not give the exact value of current heart rate.
  2. The sensor cannot detect if the finger was cold or sweaty.
  3. The sensor cannot detect the heart rate if the finger is pressing firmly.
By having this problem, the project is continued by adding the finger strap to make sure that the same pressure is applied to all the volunteers. The sensor also has been cleaned by using a alcohol swab before and after used to make sure that there is any no fingerprint left on the sensor.

Every sensor is very sensitive that need to handle with care. The proper way to handle the sensor is very compulsory.