Data Collection

Study Previous Journal

On week four, (12/2/2018 - 16/2/2018)

Today, I login into IEEE website to have some research of the previous journal. I also has visited our BMI Library in FYP section to read and study of the previous FYP report that are related to my project.

These are the several journals that I review for my project for this whole semester:

JK Powrie. (2000). Monitoring blood glucose control in diabetes mellitus: a systematic review. Health Technology Assessment, 4(12).
Saetcnikov, V. A., Tcheriavskaia, E. A., & Schweiger, G. (2010). Point of care fiber optical sensor for non-invasive multi parameter monitoring of blood and human tissue biochemistry, 242-243.
Mohan, M., Yadav, J., Rani, A., & Singh, V. (2014). Near-infrared LED based Non-invasive Blood Glucose Sensor. International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), 8(14), 591-594.
Khalil, O. S. (2011). Spectroscopic and Clinical Aspects of Non-invasive Glucose Measurements. Clinical Chemistry, 45(2), 165-177.
Shulei, W., Xueguang, Y., & Yangan, Z. (2017). Non-invasive Blood Glucose Measurement Scheme Based on Near infrared Spectroscopy.
Maier, J. S., Walker, S. A., Fantini, S., Francheshini, M. A., & Gratton, E. (2008). Possible correlation between blood glucose concentration and the reduced scatteringcoefficient of tissues in the near infrared. Optics Letters, 19(24), 2062-2064.
Amir, O. et al. (2007). Continuous non-invasive glucose monitoring technology based on occlusion spectroscopy. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 1(4), 463-469.