
Project Report Submission

Week 17-Friday November 16, 2018 Project Report Complete Objective: To complete the report by had a hardcover printing. Discussion: This evening my friends and I had went to Bangsar to have our hardcover printing for our reports. The reports are expecting to complete on Monday next week. We do the printing at Expert Printing shop and they open everyday except Sunday from 9am until midnight. This week I had to re-do my report about three times and I am feel sorry to my supervisor because she had to check my plagiarism many times. And today, is my last day to update my report and I successfully did it. I am too desperate to update my report since next Friday will be a dateline of report submission. I also need to upload my softcopy to the UniKL FYP website before submit it to the library. Conclusion: The project report are officially complete once the hardcover is done. So, I just need to submit the report to the library. But, the all the forms; metadata, copyright form ...

Updating Project Report

Week 16 - Wednesday November 07, 2018 Result of My First Plagiarism Objective: To update my plagiarism results. Discussion: Last Monday, I had emailing my supervisor to check of my plagiarism. So, this evening I had receive my first plagiarism result and it shows a disappointment. My results was quite high and I need to re-do my report. It looks like I need to rephrase each paragraph of my report. Its quite frustrating because some unnecessary lines were highlighted likes; table of contents, list of figures and list of tables. But, mdm Afifah said that thingy thing just ignored it. Just rephrase the paragraph in the chapter. Conclusion: So, lastly I need to re-do my report by rephrasing again each lines, each words to reduced my plagiarism percentage.

Updating Project Report

Week 15- Saturday November 03, 2018 Draft Report in Progress Objective: To draft a project report to check a plagiarism status Discussion: Yesterday, I had already check my report and consulted with my supervisor, Mdm Siti Afifah Mohshim about my draft. From this session, my supervisor had pointed out which chapter especially on my chapter 3 and chapter 4, do need a re-do. I had given one week to do a correction on my report before emailing her the latest report to check my plagiarism status. Conclusion: This session is very important in order to complete a report. This session could help you to polished your report without any mistakes. From this session, you realized that some pages have mistakes on format, grammar and spelling that can deduced marks.

FYP 2 Presentation

Week 14 - Wednesday 24 October, 2018 Project Presentation Objective: To develop the communication skills among students to proudly present the projects. Discussion: Today, is the important day for all the UniKL Batch Sept 2015 students. We are proudly presents our project to our judges. The presentation was held this morning at Gemilang Hall, UniKL British Malaysian Institutes from 9am until 12 noon. Conclusion: This presentation was successful. I able to present my project diligently. This day was a first platform for me to move to the next level. This day was very memorable for me and my friends. Thank you to my family that always pray and support me with everything I do.

Preparation for the FYP2 Project Presentation

Week 13 -Tuesday October 16, 2018 Making the Poster Objective: To prepare the final plan in the development of the project. Discussion: For this week, the final touch in preparation of the project presentation is by making the presentation poster. The poster must be clear and the project description must be briefly explain about the project that has been developed. The colour choices must be not too bright and not too dark. Make sure that the text font is clear and easy to read. The references for the poster is must not more than three references. Conclusion: The poster is must necessary item for the presentation. This poster helps the reader to understand the scope background of the project.

Result and Analysis

Week 12 -Tuesday October  9, 2018 Result and Analysis Objective: Analysis has been conducted by 5 volunteers to compared between the normal individuals and the diabetic patients. Discussion: The test has been done on the 5 volunteers and the result are not satisfying as desired. The tests have been done in 5 different times which are after waking up, after breakfast, before and after lunch and after exercise. All the results have been tabulate in the table below. Table 1 Results from all the 5 volunteers However, the result is barely accepted because of the result cannot be compared with the real glucose value by using invasive blood glucose monitor. Conclusion: It shows that blood in artery in diabetes subjects is slightly concentrated and it make the heart do more works to pump the blood.

Problem Encountered during Project Progress 2

Week 11 - Wednesday October 3, 2018 Soldering Parts of Blood Glucose Monitoring Device Objective: To applied the workshop syllabus in semester 1 for mastering the soldering components. Discussion: The testing of the system by using the breadboard is much easier. The problem start when the circuit designed by soldering on the strip board. By using the strip board, all the possibilities need to be considered, from the length of the wire and how to arrange the position of the component in the circuit as to look neat. The, combine the entire component and solder all the components. From here, the troubleshooting needs to be done from time to time. This is because, some circuit might be shorted during the soldering process. The short circuit might happen from the overheating and the circuit cannot withstand the sudden change of temperature especially the MAX30100 Pulse Sensor as it is very sensitive to heat. Even though the short circuit might happen in the strip board, it mi...